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We regret to announce that this event has been CANCELLED due to lack of interest. We apologize for any inconveniences. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

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Online Registration Form

Choose one:
Will make payment by:

NOTE: You must click the "SUBMIT REGISTRATION" button above to register. You will receive an email confirmation after submitting your online registration form and a separate email confirmation for your online payment. Please contact us using the "Contact" button in the toolbar, if you do not receive your confirmation(s).


CHECKS: To pay by check mail check made out to “LTHS PTC” to: LT PTC 4900 S Willow Springs Rd., Western Springs, IL 60558. You may submit the online registration form above or send payment with the printed form.


CREDIT CARD: To pay by credit card,  add items to your cart from the online store below and then follow payment instructions. You must ALSO submit the online form above, even when using the online store to make payment.


(You must also submit online form above before making payment through this store)

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